Rainbow Inspired Goodness

A while ago I started getting involved in Yarn Bombing (definition of Yarn Bombing here). So I started looking into what worked best and the use of bright colours, using white to make the colours pop and how the different colours worked together. More and more the brief was to create something using bright colours! I am currently totally in love with pink and orange together but so not to leave all the colours out, I started a rainbow inspired Pinterest board and boy oh boy, there is some delicious rainbow inspiration out there!!

Recently my son and I were driving to school and spotted a rainbow, we spent the rest of the journey deciding whether we should go searching for the end of the rainbow and what we would find. Would we be able to get the pot of gold in the car, would there be other people that were looking too and how would we know if it was the end or the start of the rainbow. It was an awesome journey to school! So in the spirit of all things rainbow I thought I would share my rainbow inspired pinterest board here.
Enjoy and always search for the end of the rainbow… you just never know xx